Movie Recommendations for the Highly Sensitive Child

Movie Recommendations for the Highly Sensitive Child

UPDATED!  It’s the weekend and you are ready for family movie night.  You have all finally agreed on a movie, the popcorn is popped, and everyone is snuggled up on the couch excited for the show. Then it happens.  Ten minutes in and your child is covering their...
Tantrum or Sensory Meltdown?

Tantrum or Sensory Meltdown?

What is the difference between a tantrum and a sensory meltdown?  How can you differentiate between the two when a child’s reaction often looks the same in either instance?  In this article, I will be defining the two terms and describing the causes of each, so that...
How to End Bedtime Battles with Your Sensitive Child

How to End Bedtime Battles with Your Sensitive Child

We love our kids, but if we are being honest, I think most of us would admit that we look forward to their bedtime after parenting all day! Unfortunately, our children don’t always feel the same way. If you are frustrated with the struggles that come with getting your...
The Power of Play Dates for Anxious and Sensitive Kids

The Power of Play Dates for Anxious and Sensitive Kids

*This post may contain affiliate links. The Power of Play Dates Between having two highly sensitive children, one of which also has Selective Mutism, I have learned about the power of play dates for anxious and sensitive kids. One-on-one play dates are an AMAZING way...
5 Myths about the Highly Sensitive Child

5 Myths about the Highly Sensitive Child

Raising a highly sensitive child has its joys and challenges. One of the most difficult parts for me as a parent, is trying to help my boys feel understood and respected in a world that doesn’t always understand or respect sensitive people, especially sensitive...
Thank you!  #1 New Release!

Thank you! #1 New Release!

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped in any way to spread the word about my new journal My Book of Brave: A Journal for Taking Control of Scary Feelings & Fears during yesterday’s launch!  The journal ended up as the #1 best seller in the category of Children’s...
Picture of kids and the title Making Sense of Sensitivity at School. Helping kids go from struggling to successful in the school setting

Does your sensitive child struggle at school?

Making Sense of Sensitivity at School can help!


> ​Check out my video and all the details here < 


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